Thursday, May 16, 2013

risks of cancer, prevention is the key

I was shocked yesterday to read about Angelina Jolie's double mastectomies due to breast cancer. The world is again amazed and inspired by her bravery and I had teary eyed reading her saying that she must be strong and keep healthy for her 8 young children. Though I am not a fan, I am inspired by her humanitarian efforts and now how she keeps being positive about her current trials.

In my own small world, my dear cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer too last year and was advised by her doctor to remove her left breast. She is 35 years old, a single mother with 5 kids. It was indeed a devastated news to all of us.

Very similar to Jolie, she told her children to not worry and pray for her recovery. She has completed her 3 chemo sessions and 1 laser treatment early this year.

Meeting her recently I had to fight my tears back, listening to her stories about the treatment. But I wanted to cry more looking at her big smile, her booming voice and her enormous hope to recover.

It's funny now I think I am the weak one :')

Do you know what is BRCA and that can you be tested?

BRCA stands for breast cancer susceptibility genes, a class of genes known as tumor suppressors, according to the National Cancer Institute (US). 

In Malaysia it costs you RM2450 to be tested, and you would know the likelihood of you getting the breast cancer by percentage. 

It is well known that high resvaraterol content in our diet both can reduce the risks of cancer and also to be used as supplementary treatment to cancer.

For those women who are at risks of breast cancer especially with family histories, I would highly recommend Vivix to be consumed daily. Special offer for everyone only in May. For more info please visit my page at Healthy Cell

Thank you and take care 


Thursday, May 2, 2013

my new obsession- shaklee collagen powder

hello everyone!

just a short update on my current obsession with Shaklee Collagen Powder. so recently i took up this challenge that my friends started to use the collagen as facial mask and to drink it for 40 days in a row. heck why not? i have tried it last year and i like the results (1 month only), but i don't have the discipline. now we are doing it "berjemaah" so the motivation is of course much more higher.

You only need this much to cover the whole face, very jimat kan!
so let's see the result after 40 days ok! i have not take any photo of my face yet, (the only areas allowed to be shared haha) but i am going to do that later today.

so excited!

HUBUNGI SAYA | Puteri | 016 344 7727 | *produk ini tidak bertujuan merawat atau menyembuhkan penyakit. sila dapatkan nasihat doktor terlebih dahulu.


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